My Blog

Daily Wellness Resources
24 peaks in 24 hours!

24 peaks in 24 hours!

24 peaks in 24 hours!   Climbing mountains for charity is a great thing to do when the charity offers free counselling for anyone going through Cancer or those close to people dealing with cancer or other life threatening conditions. In the past we have supported WHY...

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Why mums need to exercise

Why mums need to exercise

15 years of Zest Bootcamp in Bath  I haven't written a blog post for AGES so typed one up all about our 15 year Zest party and then it vanished so if you are reading this, I hope to add more text soon but for now there's just a photo! Zita x Outdoor exercise helps...

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Bath Bootcamp to Zest Bootcamp

Bath Bootcamp to Zest Bootcamp

Time flies when you are having fitness fun! We are well into 2022 so time to celebrate the fact that Zest Bootcamp is over 13 years old this month … and a reminder the Zest Van is also that old (no wonder it went bang last year!) A video popped up on my memories from...

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Lucy Lockdown Life Tips

Lucy Lockdown Life Tips

Personally I don’t like to use the word Lockdown so I’m going to call it Lucy instead and share some tips to help with your health and wellness. As we come to grips with Lucy again I thought it worth revisiting some things that might help make it more comfortable so...

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Sprouting Seeds

Sprouting Seeds

Lockdown has taught us many things including how we waste so much – you can survive on less toilet paper when you have to! For me it included the challenge of being able to get fresh greens as much as I like to normally. Even getting frozen veggies was a challenge for...

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Protein Pancakes

Protein Pancakes

Pancakes on a plate! Why not make them more nutritious and satisfying by increasing the protein content using 2 simple ingredients – gram flour (from chickpeas) and protein powder. Also by using ground flaxseed we are adding good fats and more fibre so there’s no...

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