Zita and Rachel in park smiling

24 peaks in 24 hours! 

 Climbing mountains for charity is a great thing to do when the charity offers free counselling for anyone going through Cancer or those close to people dealing with cancer or other life threatening conditions.

In the past we have supported WHY – We Hear You who are based in Frome and more recently have a presence in Bath, via Rachel Clark who has been huge fundraiser for the charity. A few years ago we joined Rachel who was running a mile a day, and several of the Zest members done the colourful WHY t-shirts to run a mile with Rachel at the start of classes.

 When people get together to do something for a good cause it is very powerful. Connections and community is at the heart of Zest Bootcamp so when I offered Rachel the chance to come to a couple of Zest classes last month, where we could focus on exercises that can prepare you for climbing mountains it was great fun.

The session included exercises such as mountain climbers (obviously), wall sits, overhead high knee marches, resistance band reverse lunges, suspension rows, plank, banded high knee sprints and more. 

In addition I made sure we did plenty of mobility work and reminded Rachel of the stretches she’d benefit from performing. Most of us don’y spend enough time stretching so a reminder that I have an online stretch class available for anyone to join – no experience necessary. Click here to find out more www.zitaalves.com

Not only did we have a fun session, we gave rachel some moral support, variety to her relentless training for the 24 hours of climbing but we also helped raise awareness of the We hear You charity as well as boosting the donation pot due to the generosity of the Zesties. It was a WIN WIN WIN on every level, especially as the sun shone brightly. 

Here is a link if you’d like to support the charity and Rachel – Click here – every little helps. 


Outdoor exercise helps mental and physical wellbeing! 

PS If you didn’t know I used to be an overweight, non-exercising asthmatic so believe me when I tell you that healthy living really is the best thing you can do for your mental and physical wellbeing. Click here to book a trial week at our friendly and fun fitness classes

* Although the word bootcamp can bring images of beasting and endless burpees – we actually don’t operate like that at Zest which is why if you watch the Bath Life Awards video you’ll hear me describe it as group personal training style class. Many of our members have been coming for years so they get coached on exactly what they need.