Award winning classes in Alexandra Park, Bath
What is Zest?
Zest Bootcamp was set up in 2009 by highly experienced personal trainer, Zita Alves, to help women just like you, to feel great through structured exercise in a supportive community.
Our award winning outdoor classes in Bath have already helped hundreds of people discover the benefits of group exercise outdoors in the fresh-air.
Our OUTDOOR classes in Bath are thriving (after successfully keeping our members fit online during lockdown)!
Am I too unfit to join?
Everyone is welcome to join us and after you complete your registration we will give you a call to make sure you are ready to join us for a trial.
Am I too old to join?
Our oldest member is over 70 and as a highly experienced personal trainer of over 23 years, Zita has created a programme that suits all levels with small adaptations.
Am I too young to join?
We have several members in their 30s so if you are under 40 you are very welcome to join us and well done because the earlier we start taking care of our bodies, the better we will be in the long run.
Do you offer a trial?
Yes! Try us on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Get to know us and begin your fitness journey!
How do I get started?
Get in touch if you have anymore questions but the best way to start your active lifestyle is to book a trial week.
About Zita
Zita was a former couch potato who has changed her life… that’s why she is super passionate about helping more people to discover the benefits of being fit and healthy.
Aged 53, she knows how hard it can be to make exercise a regular part of your life, and she wants to help more people to make it an important part of their lifestyle.
In her late 20’s Zita made a career change from an overweight, asthmatic, non-exercising, stressed out marketing executive to become a personal trainer and hasn’t looked back. She has worked with hundreds of people over the last 20 + years through 1-1 personal training, group classes at Zest Bootcamp, online and via retreats in the UK and abroad.
Zita created her own fitness equipment, the Ztrainer, in 2010 as well as cookbooks and for several years Zita wrote a weekly feature in the Bath Weekend Magazine that comes with the Bath Chronicle. She has also been on the judging panel of the Nourish Awards that celebrate healthy and innovative “free from” food and drinks in the UK, as well as a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution ambassador.
In 2011 Zest Bootcamp, which Zita set up in Bath in 2009, was highly commended at The prestigious Bath Life Awards, and 2015 Zita won the Independent Business Award for best fitness business in Bath.
Feeling Great with a Zest for Life!
If you feel stiff and stressed I’d love to offer you a complimentary copy of my relaxing stretch routine that helps you feel calm and more flexible.
Click the button below for free access
Exercise has been proven to help mental wellbeing especially when performed outdoors in nature with other like-minded people… so let’s get moving!
The latest from Zest Bootcamp
15 years of fresh-air, fitness fun at Zest Bootcamp
15 years of Zest Bootcamp - time to celebrate! After being a personal trainer in a gym for 10 years I decided to have a go at group outdoor exercise in 2009. It could be a more affordable way for people to get fitter, stronger and healthier, especially those who don't...
24 peaks in 24 hours!
24 peaks in 24 hours! Climbing mountains for charity is a great thing to do when the charity offers free counselling for anyone going through Cancer or those close to people dealing with cancer or other life threatening conditions. In the past we have supported WHY...
Why mums need to exercise
15 years of Zest Bootcamp in Bath I haven't written a blog post for AGES so typed one up all about our 15 year Zest party and then it vanished so if you are reading this, I hope to add more text soon but for now there's just a photo! Zita x Outdoor exercise helps...